Healthy Tips From Ruby
I am getting a lot of emails asking me what I am eating, and what kind of foods you should eat. First of all, everything I am telling y'all is what I am doing—what I find works for me. The most important thing I have to tell you is that you need to see a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian to find out what is best for YOU!
But I do want to share what I have found out on my journey...
Portion size is very important; do not guess! Guessing only sabotages us. Get the measuring cups and spoons out and also use a scale for meat.
The hardest thing for me to learn was eating every three hours. I was used to eating in the late afternoon and at night, but I've found out that eating every three hours keeps me from getting hungry. Eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper. I don't like calling it a snack, because I was a snack eater; what I am doing now is eating six mini-meals a day.
Always make sure greens take up most of your plate. Eat a lot of greens! Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach...whatever you like.
I try to eat a lot of food that is high in fiber. I love oatmeal! If you have to have toast, use wheat.
Protein should only be 4 ounces. Make yourself a huge salad with mushrooms, grapes, cranberries, nuts, broccoli or other things you like, plus 4 ounces of protein and a vinaigrette salad dressing. YUM!
If you want a sandwich, try grilled chicken, turkey burger, veggie burger or bean burger. For a great egg-salad sandwich, boil eggs and use one whole egg and just the whites of the other eggs with a tablespoon of lite mayo, mustard, lettuce and tomato, on Arnold's Select Sandwich Thins (100% whole wheat). Eat it with a vegetable!
Snacks in between can be fruit, like blueberries, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges—or make your own fruit parfait, yummy!
For dinner, 4 ounces protein with a lot of greens, and use olive oil! I love fish now, thanks to Ourlife Fresh.
I am learning how to cook a little. I am making egg white omelets with spinach and tomatoes, and I love it. I am also learning from Chef C how to cook simple and natural yummy foods. This is the rest of my life! This is no longer a diet for me y'all! Click here and be introduced to the best healthy yummy foods.
I still suggest to everyone you have to break your addiction one day at a time. It took me going on Ourlife Fresh cold turkey for three months, and then three more months of continuing the program while taking the weekends to learn what they were teaching me: portion sizes and fresh food!
I have to BEG every one of y'all, because I truly love you, to please get checked by your doctor! If you do not have one, please find one, and if you can't afford one, there are free clinics that can help. If my mom hadn't begged and bugged me to death to go to the doctor, I would be dead today. Diabetes is very serious; it's a silent killer! Please, please, please get checked! YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Our bodies were not made to consume all the foods we are taking in! Think about it: Our bodies are reacting to what we are doing to them. With me, it stretched to the outer limits, and no body should do that. Then my joints started breaking down. I could not move! Then I became weak, with terrible headaches, no more periods, almost blacking out because of all the sugar I was consuming. Please, I beg you, listen to your body! It is begging you to get healthy.
Your body is like a plant: It needs water! A "normal" size person should drink eight, 8-ounce glasses water a day, and for every 25 pounds of weight you are over, you are supposed to add another 8 ounces of water. Sometimes we think we are hungry when it is our bodies telling us they need water. What happens to a plant if it doesn't get water? Y'all know!
The most important thing to do while getting healthier is to answer this question: What are you feeding? We are hungry for something more than food; food is our drug of choice! I am losing weight from the inside out and will continue to do so until I find out what I've been feeding. We have to search deep into ourselves and open doors we dare not to. I am doing it now, and as this season continues, you will understand even more why this is so important. We all will find out even more together. We are not alone. Finding out the truth is not to hurt anyone—it is only to heal what's broken. The only thing that can heal us is facing our truth.
If you need to talk to someone about this, please click here. We all will win and cross over to the other side! YAY!