Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ruby's Christmas

Ruby Wishes You a Healthy "Christmas"

Yes! I call the gynecologist the Christmas Doctor.
And thank God for my friends Leslie and Georgia for making me go.
It is not comfortable to go for any woman, especially my size. But I have to say, I never knew how important regular checkups are! It could save your life if you go. If there's something wrong with you, early detection could prevent you from dying. YAY! Please go get checked.
Walking my first 5k for cancer was a miracle—meeting these survivors gave me a true mind transformation.
Through all of this I have found out we all are fighting our own beast. We all should stand together as one human race, not divide each other by income, education, color, nationality, religion, weight, the way we love, etc. And realize in one sec we could be in someone else's shoes—our life can change that fast. We win when we love one another by words and action. We fight every day and never give up.  When you see your neighbor giving up, you carry them back to the boxing ring! Fight and never give up and help one another, and you will see the giant you have become. You'll cross your finish line!
Be the friend you want someone to be to you!