Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ruby on Finales and Finding Hope by RUBY GETTINGER

Hi, y'all!
It is the finale for the first season, and yes, I will let you follow along my journey till the end. Can you believe it? In seven months, I have lost 104 pounds! That averages out to be about 14 pounds a month; that is 1 pound every two to three days. YAY! I am hacky wacky about it. I still have over 200 pounds more to lose! WOW!
But I am determined to win for me and you! It is the hardest battle of my life. But this is the battle for my life. For the first time, I really got it! I really got it that this was killing—and will kill—me. It is not only about the weight, y'all, it's what having 10 to 100, to 200, to 300 extra pounds will do to you. The scary thing to me, even knowing this, is that I have to fight to beat this. This is an addiction!
Addiction is a dependence on a behavior or substance that a person is powerless to stop. The term has been partially replaced by the word dependence for substance abuse. Dependence is the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else. Substance is the most important element in any existence; the characteristic and essential components of anything; the main part.
Yes, Ruby has been doing her homework. LOL! Y'all, for the first time in my life, I am having to look at the mental part as to why I got as high as 716 pounds. And why, in my adult life, I have never made it below 350. I am facing the BEAST!
I find it strange how fearful I am of the beast. I feel he is always out to get me, that he is in hiding and will appear when I least expect him to. In the past when he appeared, I didn't know until it was too late. He has disguises on. He comes in love and beauty, and I am blindsided. Then, when I know it's him and I defend myself, I lose. Why? I do not know yet. Is it because he is much stronger and bigger than me, or is it that I get tired? I do not know yet, but I am going to find out.
There has been a lot of dispute over whether or not obesity is a disease. I do not know yet, because I am only at the beginning of my journey. That is something I want to know and find out. People have their opinions on this matter, and I have to say, I see both views.
The meaning of disease: A pathological condition of a part, organ or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful.
I do know this for a fact: Whatever this is, it's not as simple as, "Just go on a diet and lose weight." It is bigger than that! If it were that simple, I would have won a long time ago. I do know eating wrong and having extra weight on your body will kill you mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Our frames were only meant to carry a certain amount of weight. If my knees, back, legs and shoulders could talk, they would be telling me off. Trust me: We are doing so much damage to our joints, heart, kidneys, etc.
How can our minds allow us to do this? Isn't it crazy that our bodies, minds, emotions and hearts are all one, but they are constantly battling against one another? I still do not get it all, because I am still at the beginning of my journey. This has been part one of the journey. We are about to start part two…
Click here for more finale thoughts from Ruby!