Sunday, November 21, 2010

Top 10 Tips FOR a Healthy Holiday!

Top Ten Tips for a Healthy Holiday!

Ruby has inspired many of us to start eating right—but here comes Thanksgiving, the biggest challenge of the year for anyone with even a passing interest in getting (or staying!) healthy. Feeling overwhelmed by the tempting dishes you'll have to face on Thursday? Take a deep breath and check out these relatively painless ways to have an enjoyable and healthy Thanksgiving this year.
1. Make a Game Plan. Know you've just got to experience Grandma's mouthwatering mashed potatoes or that delicious creamed corn casserole? Decide ahead of time which one or two dishes are most important to your Thanksgiving experience. Indulge in one reasonably sized serving of each, and forgo the other decadent options.
2. Don't Starve Before the Big Event. Eat a light, healthy breakfast (and lunch, if dinner's on the late side) so your hunger pangs aren't out of control when you sit down to the feast.
3. Strike the Right Balance. Fill three-fourths of your plate with lean protein and veggies (no, green bean casserole doesn't count!), leaving just a small space for starchy foods.
4. Skinless=Skinny. Sure, the crispy skin is the best-tasting part of the turkey, but by skipping it you drastically cut back on fat and cholesterol. Choose skinless, white breast meat and keep the portion size to about 4 ounces—roughly the size of your fist.
5. Portion Control. Gravy, stuffing, candied yams and other family favorites (not to mention dessert!) can be loaded with high-calorie ingredients—butter, cheese, oil, cream and more. If you can't stick to your original game plan, at least keep the servings small.
6. Savor the Flavors. Slow down and enjoy every morsel. If you find yourself eating too quickly, make a conscious effort to set your fork down between each bite. Spend some time making conversation!
7. Go Easy on the Alcohol. To save calories and keep unconscious overeating in check, opt for white wine instead of cocktails—or better yet, quench your thirst with sparkling water. Spruce it up by serving from a festive pitcher filled with sliced lemons, oranges and limes.
8. Skip the Seconds. Allow yourself one full plate, and resist the temptation to go for another round. If you think you absolutely must have more, put your fork down, sip your water, and give yourself a few minutes to see how "hungry" you really are.
9. Get Active. Wind down the day with a walk. Even if you just manage a short trek, you (and your metabolism) will get a boost. Rotten weather outside? Put on some music and dance!
10. Focus on What's Really Special. Spend some quality time with family and friends. Remember, Thanksgiving isn’t just about the food!
PS: If you overindulge, don't beat yourself up. Thanksgiving is just one day of the year, after all. The most important thing you can do now is forgive yourself and get back on track!
Bonus! If you're the chef this year, follow these slim-down secrets:
• Use fat-free chicken broth instead of butter or oil to baste the turkey and make gravy.
• Use sugar substitutes in place of sugar.
• Reduce oil and butter wherever you can.
• Try plain yogurt or fat-free sour cream in dips, mashed potatoes and casseroles.

If ya'll have any tips or recipes  for the holidays please click here and let us know :O))